5 Tried and Tested Principles to Take Your Incidents Management to the Next Level
We know you’re striving for a zero-incident environment in your business. To help you, here are 5 elements that will make a big difference to your Incident Management efforts. The best thing about it? They all come together in one solution.
#1: Snap a photo
So, worst-case scenario: an incident happened. What can you do to better investigate and keep track of what happened? Snap a photo of all incidents, accidents, and near-misses. This way, you capture everything, and nothing will slip between the cracks. Later on, the photos will help you identify and record safety issues, other near-misses, or even data breaches.
Incidents or negative outcomes captured in a photo will provide you with irrefutable proof of what happened. Even months later, you’ll be sure of what the situation looked like.
Pro tip: find a good way to store and manage the photos in one central place. Nothing worse than having to scroll through hundreds of unrelated photos looking for the one you need.
#2: Never miss a thing
You need a reliable way to capture incidents and report the findings. Pen-and-paper approaches or Excel sheets are not the right tools for making sure that all the relevant information is collected and stored in a comprehensive way. But how can you make sure that you never miss a thing when investigating incidents? By going digital. With a software solution for keeping track of your incidents, all data related to the incident is located in one place. Follow-up will be easier and further investigation more transparent.
#3: Compliance = key
The best way to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements such as ISO, OSHA, and others, is through a digital Incident Management solution. This will improve your data traceability and give you 24/7 data access. Also, nothing will get lost or misplaced. The result? 100% compliance.
#4: One central place for all data
Preventing incidents all starts at your desk: you create a CAPA plan, which contains both corrective and preventive actions, and you want to share it with your co-workers.
But what is the best way to share this with all people involved so they know where to find the plan to take the right actions? Our answer: a central platform where you can store this alongside all relevant incident data. No one will have to struggle to find information ever again.
#5: Insights from the past prevent future incidents
After you’ve collected all the incident data, you want to see where the trends are going. With data gained over the course of several months or years, you can build on insights from the past to prevent future incidents. Of course, you don’t want to grapple with complex Excel sheets to see incident trends. The best way to extract data into detailed incident trends reports is through incident management software. In one glance, you can see exactly what’s been happening at your facility.
Digital Incident Management, where it all comes together
To make it all easier, more transparent, and more efficient, there’s Incident Management software. Besides the elements already mentioned above, there are three distinct advantages to working with a software solution to capture and report incidents in your business.
On-the-spot reporting
Everyone who has access to the tool can report incidents and near-misses on the spot, the moment it happened. With a solution that runs on phones and tablets, employees can fill in easy-to-use forms, even when they are in areas without any connectivity. Another plus? All data is synced 24/7, so nothing lags behind.
Instant notifications
The right people are instantly kept in the loop when an incident occurs. No matter if they are at their desk, working from home, or using a mobile device. Every incident will be brought to the immediate attention of everyone who needs to know.
Nothing falls through the cracks
Digital incident management follows your company’s workflows. This way, consistency, compliance, and transparency are guaranteed over time. All the data is collected in a single platform overview, which allows you to perform in-depth investigations and retrieve data from multiple sources. It’s never been easier to identify an underlying root cause of incidents this way.
Let’s talk!
To learn more about how you can capture, report, and keep track of your incidents in a matter of clicks with TenForce Incidents Management, click here.
Or reach out to us to discuss how we can work together to prevent future incidents at your plant.